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Multiple Contacts For the SAME JOB???
Total posts: 245
Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 2:45 PM Feb. 11, 2010

Dear Brian,
I am really enjoying your emails and newsletters. It's very comforting to be a part of a network of such talented & helpful professionals.

My question is this. I have gotten some jobs from a rep/agency. I am not under any contract and prefer not to be. However recently I got an audition from a casting director, and a few days later got the same audition from the rep.

Is it in my best interest to just let rep know, or just say I'm not available for their audition?

I'm rather new to all of this and greatly appreciate any of your feedback.


In our area (The Mid-Atlantic States) We are a Freelance area - Few if any Agents/Agencies Require an Exclusive contract (Some require Non-Exclusive Contracts) and it is normal to get work from multiple sources. Here an Exclusive Contract is mostly used by people to get paid for NOT doing their job -- You see a job on my list- It's from an Agent that gets you the job - you pay them their Commission for getting you the work - You still owe the Agent you signed the Exclusive with their commission because they did not do their job and get you the work but you signed a Valid Contract saying you don't mind paying for the same job twice.

In NYC and LA things are different - Agents Specialize so you might have an Agent with an Exclusive on you for T V Commercials, Another Agent for Films, a Third for Theatre, Print, Industrials ETC.

There you have to make sure the Exclusives are Limited to the type of work the Agent Gets a Lot of and the Territory
they have work in. You don't want to Sign a NYC Exclusive Contract that Covers Philadelphia, Dallas or LA.

In our Business Your main Asset is your Reputation (your Word)

You stake YOUR REPUTATION (give your word) that you look Exactly like your Headshot. When Casting Hires someone (or calls then in to Audition) from your Headshot that is the Person that has to show up - Not someone 30 lbs heavier, a Brunette with short Hair - instead of the long haired Blondie in the photo.

You give your word you will show up on set - on time and ready to work - Dressed the way you were told - with the props
you were told to bring.

You give your word you are going to follow directions and Do the job you were hired to do

Here as well your word is the thing just like anyplace else

Once someone offers you the Chance for work - Tells you about an audition, Requests you send headshots with updated resumes because of a job, Checks your Availability for a job ETC -- They have you for that job.

EVERYONE that contacts you AFTER that MUST BE IMMEADIATLY TOLD you are already under consideration for that job. You HAVE to be honest with them. If you don't Tell them Immediately they will never trust you again.

You can't just say "you are not interested" and have them see you in the Commercial later or the job on your Next Resume or worse yet have another Actor (they sent) think you were sent by them as well and say something about your getting the job.

You can't Pick and Choose - it has to be the FIRST Contact gets you for that Job.

Remember EVERYONE had an equal chance to contact you 1st - They called someone Else 1st - But they DID CALL YOU so you need to walk a very fine line, While remaining fair and Honest.

Hope this Helps


Total posts: 4
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 5:02 PM Sep. 28, 2011

I'm in a similar situation. I applied for a job through "Dragonuk Connects". The next day a friend - who has helped cast me for other projects in the past - sent me an annoucement for the same project. (Albeit his contained a more detailed description of the project). I let him know I was interested in it. I have NOT been contacted by either party for an audition yet. At what point should I tell my colleague I independently applied for this project? (Or shouldn't I worry about it?)Scott E. Zeiss

Total posts: 245
Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 6:50 PM Sep. 28, 2011
This is a different situation but should be handled the same way. is Not an Agent or Casting Director. does not Expect a Commission from you IF you book the Job

I just take Pubilc Information and Castings sent Directly to me and see to it Everyone knows about the opertunity.

You do not say if your Friend is an Agent or not and would Expect a Payment from you If Booked but Even if he is since I'm not Expecting anything -- I would have no issue with Him getting paid

The other possibility I see is IF 2 Agents have it and are working for the same Production Company - My posting going to 1 - His to the other

Can you check to see if Both of our submissions went to the same place?? DSame e-mail address. Same Production Company -- If so -- No issues

Hope this helps -- Without knowing the job posting I don't have the Info to be More Exact

Best Brian

Total posts: 4
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 7:20 AM Sep. 29, 2011
Your posting was Carolyn Davis' casting announcment for "The Builders". I applied directly to them.
My friend is a casting agent - albeit he gets paid by the production company and not me. Also, he is involved in other aspects of production, i.e., supplying props, wardrobe, etc.
24 hours after I applied to Carolyn Davis, he sent out a general e-mail announcing this project. (BTW the project's title in his e-mail was different from the Davis announcment). It quoted heavilly from the producer and was NOT a verbaitim copy of the Davis announcement. (Davis was for principals only while his called for principals AND extras PLUS it had more details about the production). Producer did ask if he had anyone that could fit the principal roles and, if so, could he bring them in to audition. (No date or time set for auditons albeit both communciations - Davis and his - state auditons would be next week).
So it looks like two agents working for the same production company.
Hope that helps. I haven't heard back from either party yet.
Total posts: 245
Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 9:36 AM Sep. 29, 2011
Carlyn is a Casting Director so She is not looking for a Commission from you either However if She has to pay you direct
(The production Company does not hire a 3rd party Paymaster that will pay you) she charges a fee to cover payrole expences because they are not a normal part of her job.

You said your Friend is not looking for a commission from you either and That is the "Sticky" part

Agents whose livelyhood depends on the commission they earn finding you work - Get touchy about seeing that commission go to someone else-- That is why the Quick disclosure is so important.

In this situation - Where no one is earning their living from getting you work -- I would simply tell him That you saw the posting and sent info directly to Carlyn but you really appriciate his looking out for you and any assistance he can give you in getting an audition would be greatly appriciated

Total posts: 4
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 11:18 AM Sep. 29, 2011
Many thanks! Just wanted to confirm the correct course of action.