Forum for Theatre Actors

Actor’s Etiquette at Networking Events – Do’s and
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Posted 12:59 PM Apr. 26, 2010

Actor’s Etiquette at Networking Events – Do’s and Don’ts at a Professional Mixer by Sean Pratt

Whether you’re attending an opening night celebration, awards show or cocktail party, your behavior at these events can have a definite impact on your career.
Now that you’ve done your homework and found out who will be attending the upcoming event, what the dress code is and have a handful of business cards to hand out, it’s now time to get busy and start networking! So slap that nametag on, get yourself something to drink and start mixing it up. But be aware that there are still some rules of etiquette that should be followed while conversing with your fellow attendees. In part two of this article, we’ll look at the do’s and don’ts of the fine art of schmoozing.
Sean Pratt, (AEA / SAG / AFTRA), has been a working actor for over 20 years. Sean was a member of the resident acting company at The Pearl Theatre, an Off-Broadway classical repertory theatre and has also performed at numerous regional theatres around the country. Major films include - Gods and Generals, Tuck Everlasting and Iron Jawed Angels. Television work includes - The host of HGTV’s, Old Homes Restored, and supporting roles on Homicide, The District and America’s Most Wanted. Audiobooks – He’s narrated for 3 years and has recorded nearly 500 books in just about every genre. He also teaches classes on and writes articles about the business of the Biz.