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An Actor’s Education – The Role that Training Play
[User Deleted]
Posted 10:54 AM Jan. 11, 2010


An Actor’s Education – The Role that Training Plays in Becoming a Professional.
An in-depth study of the craft of acting is an essential difference between being an amateur and a professional actor.
In show business the terms “Professional”and its evil-twin “Un-Professional” are used with such frequency, and to describe so many different spheres of an actor’s vocation, that their meaning has become unclear. This seven-part series is meant to identify, define and comment on the principal categories that can be used to denote the differences between an amateur and a professional actor. Though you may not yet have fully realized the potential of each category, it is by the recognizing and pursuing each one that sets you apart as a professional. The first category is education.
To read the rest of this article go to: http://acting.suite101.com/article.cfm/an_actors_education.
Sean Pratt, (AEA / SAG / AFTRA), has been a working actor for over 20 years. He received his BFA from the College of Santa Fe, NM. Sean was a member of the resident acting company at The Pearl Theatre, an Off-Broadway classical repertory theatre and has also performed at numerous regional theatres around the country. Major films include - Gods and Generals, Tuck Everlasting and Iron Jawed Angels. Television work includes - The host of HGTV’s, Old Homes Restored, and supporting roles on Homicide, The District and America’s Most Wanted. Audiobooks - He has been narrating for over 13 years and has recorded nearly 500 books in just about every genre. He also teaches classes on and writes articles about the business of the Biz. http://www.seanprattpresents.com/