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Actor’s Monologue Books – Treasure Trove or Booby
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Posted 4:37 PM Jul. 10, 2010

Actor’s Monologue Books – Treasure Trove or Booby Trap? By Sean Pratt

When looking through monologue books for new audition material, be aware of their potential pitfalls.
You’re searching for new material for your theatre monologue portfolioand while at your local bookstore you stumble across one of the countless “monologues for actors” collections that line the shelves. The pieces are neatly arranged by type, style and age group and, at first glance, you can easily see yourself performing several of them. But beware! If you don’t do the necessary work these compilations can be a trap that may embarrass you and ruin your next audition.
Sean Pratt, (AEA / SAG / AFTRA), has been a working actor for over 20 years. Sean was a member of the resident acting company at The Pearl Theatre, an Off-Broadway classical repertory theatre and has also performed at numerous regional theatres around the country. Major films include - Gods and Generals, Tuck Everlasting and Iron Jawed Angels. Television work includes - The host of HGTV’s, Old Homes Restored, and supporting roles on Homicide, The District and America’s Most Wanted. Audiobooks – He’s narrated for 15 years and has recorded nearly 550 books in just about every genre. He also teaches classes on and writes articles about the business of the Biz.