Tips from Casting Director Karey Faulkner /The Heritage - O'Neill Theatre

FACEBOOK"ing directors, producers, and others
Total posts: 245
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 10:53 PM Nov. 17, 2012

FACEBOOK"ing directors, producers, and others

Do you have any idea how easy it is for someone to see -- legitimately, legally, non-invasively, and quite innocently -- the so-called "private" conversations you think you're having with your Facebook "friends" or in private blogs?

Don't diss directors, producers, other actors, bosses, etc. on the Internet ...
especially on Facebook and in private blogs. ANYTHING that is written on the Internet can get seen, seen easily, and seen legally. ANYTHING.

Several years ago I was looking for a choreographer to choreograph a silent 2 minute pas-de-deux in a dream-like sequence of a play I was going to be directing at the time. I met with and interviewed this individual and all seemed fine. A few days later when I was looking at my web-site statistics (similar to Google Analytics) -- which I do every day -- which show website owners the domains and IP addresses which visit your website, the number of pages that are viewed, points of entrance and exit, the times of visit, etc., -- all for legitimate marketing purposes -- a link showed up to another website address as having been on my company's website the previous day. I clicked on the link and was immediately taken to a blog. It turned out that the blog was written by this same individual -- the choreographer -- who stated in her blog to her close friends that she had embellished her resume in order to get the job; she didn't have the experience that she STATED to have. I then informed her that she no longer had the assignment.

Even Facebook itself cautions people in its Data Use Policy: << Facebook Pages are public pages.
Because pages are public, information you share with a Page is public information. This means, for example, that if you post a comment on a Page, that comment may be used by the Page owner off Facebook, and anyone can see it.

Always think before you post. Just like anything else you post on the web, information you share on Facebook can be copied or re-shared by anyone who can see it.

There is no privacy on the Internet. If you don't want the entire world knowing your business, don't post it on Facebook, in a private blog, or anywhere else on the Internet. If you want privacy, meet with your friends IN PERSON at your or their homes and TALK to them; don't commit it to writing.