Whether you are new to the entertainment biz or have been around for a while, you have got to read Brian's tips!

Total posts: 27
Joined: 15 year(s) ago
Posted 8:41 PM Aug. 23, 2013

ACTOR SCAM - BEWARE! Recently a few of the DragonukConnects members have received emails from a scammer that preys on innocent actors and models. Please beware! We have seen similar but different ones, but it all leads to a scammer who wants your hard earned money. The following is what the latest email scam looks like.


My name is Steve Strike(Stevie), a professional Freelance photographer/Videographer and casting director for over 7 years with a background in advertising, marketing and promotion. I have been behind the camera as a clothed and in front of the camera as a photographer/Videographer as well, so I appreciate both interesting and helpful perspectives. I find both sides of the camera fascinating and creative in so many ways, which helps to transcend one's own artistic and creative perspectives into a higher level of appreciation. I have worked with several models and have covered a lot of Fashion Shoot. Is quite unfortunate that my website is undergoing maintenance presently but will be more than happy to send it ones is back online.

This project is about a short video commercial for one of my major client, the commercial will be used in Asia to launch the new product(Maltex malt drink). The project will take 6 hours and we will pay you $1500 and buy tickets for you to the venue of the project. We will cloth you and make you up for the project and there will be a 1 hour break in between the 6 hours period.

You would be paid the initial payment of $250 to guarantee your participation in the shoot, as part of our working policy and ethics of our company, we give part payment to any client before we proceed with any job and balance immediately after the work.. Maximum security is guaranteed; you can as well come along with your pets or family to make you comfortable. As stated earlier this project is very urgent we will be taking care of your payment, accommodation and other expenses.The payment would be mailed directly to you alongside with your cloth allowance, shoes and costume fee for the shoot.

If you are interested kindly get back to us with your details as follows:...

Scam 1:
It then asks for all your info. Nothing that will cause a raid on your bank account. This part is not what'll get you. So let's say you fill out the form and email back to him. He then mails you a check. Not for the $250 he origially stated, but for much more. More like $1500 or even $2500. You get the check and deposit it. Then you get a letter saying there was a mistake and they sent you too much. And could you please send back the overage by wire transfer, and that you must send it back before the shoot which is in just a couple of days. You then send what they ask for. The original check you received then bounces, and you're out a bunch of cash.

Scam 2:

Again they send you too much money with an explanation that you must send a certain amount of the payment to the hair stylist or the wardrobe person before the shoot which is just a day or two away. You follow their directions. The original check you received then bounces, and you're out a bunch of cash.

If you're ever unsure about an acting scam, feel free to contact us. We may be able to help. And always remember Brian's rule..."Don't pay anyone for jobs. They pay you!"

Jay Chapin



Total posts: 1
Joined: 6 year(s) ago
Posted 10:11 PM May. 28, 2018
Thank you for the insight
Total posts: 1
Joined: 9 year(s) ago
Posted 1:31 AM Jul. 17, 2018

WoW! I hope I would never go for anything that requires me to send money; as a rule, I neva do! ;-) Thanks for the heads-up!

Total posts: 1
Joined: 8 year(s) ago
Posted 6:38 AM Apr. 29, 2019
Thanks for the insight & I will pass it along to other actors as well to be on the lookout.